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The Netherlands

Segundo Jorge Adelberto (‘Boy’) Ecury, a resistance fighter against the Nazi from Aruba.
Segundo Jorge Adelberto (‘Boy’) Ecury, a resistance fighter against the Nazi from Aruba.

Several thousands of Surinamese, Antilleans and Arubans

At the start of the war, several thousands of Surinamese, Antilleans and Arubans are living in the Netherlands, often temporarily to study. Some of them fight in the Dutch armed forces in May 1940. The German occupation makes contacts with relatives overseas impossible.

Not persecuted

The small group of PoC ‘non-Arians’ (Persons of Colour) are not persecuted, although they are subject to special measures. For instance, black jazz musicians are no longer allowed to perform in bars. Many Surinamese, Antilleans and Arubans play a role in the resistance.

Waldemar Hugh Nods, who was active in the Dutch resistance.
Waldemar Hugh Nods, who was active in the Dutch resistance.

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