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Amsterdam Politiek 32715


2 okt. 1909


1 aug. 1942


9 sep. 1942


Tina Carstens op 1 mrt. 2025
My name is Tina Carstens and I am the granddaughter of Cornelis Willem Carstens who died in Dachau. My grandfather was active in the resistance during the war. He was betrayed and got arrested. From the prison In Amsterdam he went to Amersfoort, Neuegamme and Dachau where he died on 09-09-1942. My father was the eldest son and was also Cornelis Willem Carstens. He was only 8 years old when his father got arrested. My father and his younger brother Willem Gerardus Carstens lived with my grand mother during the war in the Willemsstraat 226 in Amsterdam. She lived there till she died in 1988. Because of the good deeds my grandfather did for the resistance my grandmother got a pension from Stichting 1940-1945.
BB op 17 mrt. 2016
Cornelis Willem Carstens, geboren d.d. 2-10-1909 te Amsterdam. He lived in the Willemstraat 226 in Amsterdam and worked as a milkman. He was married and had two children. Arrested by the Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo) on suspision of resistance activities and locked up. First in prison, later deported to P.D. Amersfoort and from there transported to concentrationcamp Neuengamme, probably on 23-11-1941. From Neuengamme moved to K.L. Dachau on 1-8-1942 with a so called transport for "disabled and sick" prisoners, where he died on 9-9-1942.
Samuel Carstens op 1 mrt. 2016
I visited Dachau in January 2016, and I decided to look up my last mane. I was shocked to find this man. I am trying to learn more about him. Who was he? What did he do for a living? What was he like? Are we related? If anyone has any answers I'd love to hear all you have to say about this man Thank you
Samuel Carstens op 1 mrt. 2016
I visited Dachau in January 2016, and I decided to look up my last mane. I was shocked to find this man. I am trying to learn more about him. Who was he? What did he do for a living? What was he like? Are we related? If anyone has any answers I'd love to hear all you have to say about this man Thank you

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